Saturday, February 27, 2016

Made it to N'awlins

We left Birmingham around 8:20 (CST) this morning, so completed Alabama, then drove through a corner of Mississippi and on into Louisiana.

So it was a fair long day of driving.  The weather was very nice though - clear blue skies and sunshine.  We stopped here and there, for gas, and breaks.  Our last stop was at the Louisiana Welcome Center (grrr, should be centre).  We ate some lunch there which we had left over from the night before.  I got out of the truck to head to the washroom, and turned around to report to the boss, "Houston, we have a problem."

Yep, flatter than a pancake.  It was the front right tire of the RV.  Didn't even notice it, so hard to say how long it had been like that.  It wasn't shredded, or anything, so couldn't have been too long.  Fortunately, we have the RV service with CAA, so we had someone there within 40 minutes of talking to them.  He changed our tire over to the spare, and we were off again.  The guy thought we ran over something to cause the flat.

We only had another half an hour to go to our destination at Lake Pontchartrain RV Park just north of New Orleans.  We stayed here last year and liked the place.

This is driving over the bridge across Lake Pontchartrain.   You can see New Orleans in the distance.

Once we were unhitched, and had the trailer set up, we headed down the road for some stock-up groceries.  Didn't feel like cooking though.  There's a little restaurant and bar here at the RV park, so we partook of that instead.

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