Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Casino Day

Today was an appreciation day for long-termers here at Llano Grande.  Even though we just got here, we're considered a long-termer as we're here for a month.  Nice.  And it was still too windy to go to the beach, although it's calmed down a lot.  Maybe tomorrow.

The casino appreciation event was held at the new recreation complex just up the road from us.  It's huge.

Just for signing up, we got lunch, beer, and funny money chips to play casino games.  There were auction draws for all kinds of things (of which we won nothing, but hey...it was still fun).  It lasted for several hours.

Here are a couple of photos from around the RV park.  This is the main office.

And this is the main boulevard going through the north section (where we are).  All the little side streets go off this boulevard.  We're about half way down.  The tennis courts are at the start on the right-hand side.

We also met some people at lunch who invited us to sit with them at the Saturday night dances, and also to golf next Tuesday afternoon.  We'll take them up on both those things.

Tibby had one of his "incidents" early this morning, so I went out to get him some baby Advil.  Not sure if it's helping yet, or not.  He seems a little better at times.  He has a problem with his left shoulder/spine getting inflamed if he does anything to irritate it.  Jumping off things, or turning the wrong way suddenly, it will cause him discomfort.  I don't know what he did last night, but he was hurting this morning.  It sometimes takes a while to inflame.  Poor little guy.

We're supposed to get a Texas thunderstorm overnight tonight.  So we put outside stuff away.  I'll let you know how that goes.

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