Friday, March 11, 2016

Not Venturing Far

The last couple of days we haven't wanted to go far from home, so to speak.  Tibby is still not well.  We contacted our vet at home, who speedily faxed his records to a vet here.  I couldn't get him in to see one vet, so I tried another place, and he said we could get medication (he does it all the time), but he has to see his records.  The problem is, he's so darn busy we're not getting anywhere.  So he's got his records, and we've called a couple of times, but he's been out working with cattle, etc.  Aaaarggh!!!  It restricts us being able to go anywhere for any length of time, or very far from here.  It's not that we have to stay with Tibby, but if the vet calls, we want to get the medication and give it to Tibby ASAP.

Alas, at least we got out for a while today to La Feria Natural Preserve to do some walking.  Nice little trails here.  Not very long, and quite open, but still better than not doing it.

Located someone among the sunflowers.

Whenever we see turtles in water, they hang out with us, expecting us to feed them.  This happened in the DR too.  There were 3 of them here.

We went to a place called "The Blue Onion" for lunch on the way to the grocery store.  Nice spot with good food.  I don't know what this little statement is about.

We have plans in the works - of places we want to go - but we're a little grounded.

The weather has been funny.  Nice enough, just windy.  Someone told us last year that this area of Texas has a lot of wind.  I think they were right.  There hasn't been a day go by hardly where wind hasn't been a factor.  I can count on one hand the number of times we've had the awning out.  It's just  been too windy to leave it there.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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