Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Seriously, There's Nothing

This morning we got up, saddled up, and set off for Mercedes, Texas, our final destination.

It was about a 5-hour drive through NOTHING.  Nothing but flat land, almost prairie-like.  Not even nice prairie fields or anything like that.  NOTHING.

As a result, there are no photos of the drive.

Only evidence you MUST drive a white truck if you live in Texas, or possibly a white car.  I got this proof as we were stopped at a gas station.

However, we arrived at our destination, Llano Grande Lake Park, Resort & Country Club.  It's a beautiful park, from what little we've seen of it yet.  We got all set up and headed out to pick up  some more groceries and are right now struggling with the cable and internet.  But we should get it all fixed up and ready to go shortly (we hope).


1 comment:

  1. desolation can be beautiful, but you have to manipulate the image a bit.
